CoreStream 2.4 Release Notes

12 Sep

CoreStream 2.4 is an exciting release for a number of reasons. It is the first release where we have adopted our new fixed length release process, ensuring we deliver a new Platform release every 2 months. It means being strict with scope, but it helps ensure we can articulate our roadmap with more confidence, and clients have access to new releases more frequently. In addition to this, technical work on integrations has been separated from the release. This means we can work on integrations without impacting the timeframe of our core release.

On the feature front, there are a number of great additions. The calendar view reflects further progress on the Social GRC front and provides an additional interface for clients to view and edit their data in CoreStream. Our next generation Policy Manager now has further styling improvements and integrated attestations with the optional feature to record the amount of time that a user spends reading the given policy, procedure or standard.

On the configuration front, we have continued to make improvements to ensure we can do more with less for our clients. The site builder has been extended to generate tree views and create lookups and we have added the aged chart and heat maps to our admin user configurable dashboards. We are now also able to automatically generate data import templates AND make the data import tool available to clients.

In 2.5 we are looking at further improving our whistleblowing capability with a feature that means those wishing to submit anonymously can do so without authenticating, providing them with a greater level of comfort in doing so.

Please do get in touch with any suggested improvements, or if you wish to discuss any of the features listed in more detail.

